How to Use Your Solar ROI Dashboard

Track your Solar ROI in real time. How Can I Sign Up for a Free Demo with My Data? If you’d like more information about how Wexus software can maximize your solar $ ROI and drive efficiency across your operation, click here to schedule a demo and free proposal or email us at

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California Energy Costs Just Keep Rising!

PG&E is at it again. Californians are stuck with the highest energy costs in the United States - by far. Rates have risen on average +20% in just the last few months! California Energy Market: The Nation's Largest And Most Expensive "Time of Use" (TOU) Energy Rate Rollout California rolled out the

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California Ag Utility Rates: TRIPLE the National Average

Saying the last few years in California agriculture have been "rough" is an understatement. From a multi-year drought and wildfires to extreme rain and floods... and now we're facing the highest energy costs in the United States! Here's what's going on - and what you need to know to stay ahead.

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California Energy Costs Are Now Highest in the US

A couple of years ago we noted here on our blog that "2020 is shaping up to see even MORE disruption in both the energy and water sectors, particularly in California." Boy, was that an understatement... Obviously, nobody could have predicted a global pandemic. But what really ratcheted up the

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2021's Top 3 Ag-Energy-Water Trends: Climate Change Ain't Going Away

Early last year I noted here on our blog that "2020 is shaping up to see even MORE disruption in both the energy and water sectors, particularly in California." Boy, was that an understatement... Obviously, nobody could have predicted a global pandemic due to covid-19. Not to mention its ripple

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Is 2020 Over Yet? Record Breaking Wildfires & Impacts on California Growers

photo credit: Bloomberg Finance 2020 Four million acres of wildfires caused by record-breaking high temperatures, drought and freak lightning storms burned across California this summer and fall. The tremendous impact of multiple, consecutive years of wildfires has left many consumers - and growers

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Wexus Featured on KION News at Forbes Agtech Summit in Salinas

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Wexus Selected as a Finalist for EMA's Innovator of the Year Challenge

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Wexus Featured in Top 10 IoT Initiatives for a More Sustainable Future

Link to original article is here:

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How Does Energy Efficiency Translate to Crop Yields?

Saving $50,000 in energy costs could be equivalent to increasing crop yields by $1,000,000. But let’s face it: energy costs aren’t the first thing a grower thinks about when running their farm.

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