How to Use Your Solar ROI Dashboard

Track your Solar ROI in real time. How Can I Sign Up for a Free Demo with My Data? If you’d like more information about how Wexus software can maximize your solar $ ROI and drive efficiency across your operation, click here to schedule a demo and free proposal or email us at

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Energy 101: What's in a Utility Bill?

Let's face it: energy bills are designed to be confusing! But don't worry. We're here to help you make sense of what you're being charged so you can take action to reduce costs and control your energy usage. California Energy Market: The Nation's Largest And Most Expensive "Time of Use" (TOU)

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How To Sign Up For Wexus

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How to Export Your Energy and Water Data

How to use the "Export Info" feature to quickly access energy and water data in Excel format. View the video tutorial to learn how:

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How to Check Your Real Time Equipment Status & Maps

Manage your farm, food processing or water district with real-time pump and solar array data. View the video tutorial here:

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How to Use Your Savings Plan Feature

Quickly identify energy and cost saving measures. Track your actual savings and ROI in real time. View the video tutorial here:

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How to Use Your Main Dashboard

What Is Your Dashboard and How Does it Work? View the video tutorial at

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How to Use the Predictive Energy Cost Calculator

Plan your schedule using your utility rates and weather data. View the video tutorial here:

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Pump Health Monitor: How Does Wexus Track Pump Efficiency?

Wexus' Pump Health Monitor feature allows you to remotely track your irrigation pump efficiency and get alerted in real time in the field before problems get worse.

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